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The Translator. Still relevant with the rise of ChatGPT?

As a social anthropological hobbyist, I have often found myself pondering the future of translators and their role in our ever-changing world. With the rise of technology and the increasing use of AI language models like ChatGPT, it is easy to wonder if human translators will become obsolete in the near future. However, as I have explored this topic further, I have come to the conclusion that human translators will continue to play a crucial role in certain situations.

As ChatGPT mentioned in response to a previous question, AI language models have greatly improved translation capabilities and made the process faster and more accurate. This is particularly useful in situations where large amounts of text need to be translated quickly, such as news articles or legal documents. However, there are certain nuances of language and cultural context that AI language models may struggle with. Human translators, on the other hand, can understand the context of the translation in a way that AI language models may not be able to.

For example, imagine a book written in a language that is unfamiliar to an AI language model. While the model may be able to translate the text word for word, it may struggle to capture the nuances of the language and the cultural context in which the book was written. A human translator, on the other hand, can use their knowledge of the language and culture to provide a more accurate and nuanced translation.

Furthermore, human translators can be more flexible and adaptable than AI language models. While AI language models can quickly translate large amounts of text, human translators can tailor their translations to the specific needs and preferences of the client. For example, a client may require a translation that is specific to their industry or sector. A human translator can use their knowledge of the industry and the client’s specific needs to provide a more tailored translation.

Lastly, human translators can provide a level of personal touch and human connection that is not possible with AI language models. In situations where communication is important, such as business negotiations or medical consultations, human translators can help bridge the language gap and facilitate effective communication. This is particularly important in situations where emotions and cultural norms play a role in communication.

In conclusion, while AI language models have greatly improved translation capabilities, human translators will continue to play a crucial role in certain situations. As our world becomes increasingly globalized and interconnected, the need for accurate and nuanced translations will only continue to grow. While technology can help facilitate this process, it is important to remember the value that human translators bring to the table. As such, the future of translators may not be as bleak as some may fear.

As a Closing Message

If I could claim to have written this article, I would. This article was wholly provided by ChatGPT. I'm no translator. I can basically only help myself to order a coffee in German. But I do enjoy technology and social anthropology.


My name is Murray. I am not a translator. I do stuff. This blog was one of the things I did.

Look here for a fuller bio and a peak of the other stuff I do.

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